Funding by San Diego Gas & Electric Company has been established to provide up to $2,427.53 to cover the cost of retrofitting existing vulnerable attic and foundation vents with safer, approved ember-resistant and fire-resistant vents.
During wildfires, most homes are destroyed by windblown embers entering the home. In your area, there is a Fire Mitigation Grants Program that covers the cost of installing fire-resistant and ember-resistant vents. Call Brandguard Vents to confirm if you are eligible.
Brandguard Vents offers a unique patented solution that stops both embers and fire from entering your home. Brandguard Vents’ ember-resistant vents are designed to stop embers from entering your home, before the fire arrives.
Allow outside air to circulate under the floor to prevent moisture buildup.
Create proper air circulation, allowing the passage of air through the attic.
Permit cool, fresh outside air to be drawn up into the attic so hot and humid air is expelled through the roof vents at the top.
Allow heat to rise and escape out of the attic.
Used in conjunction with standard roof vents, they prevent the ingress of embers or firebrands.