retrofit Installation Instructions

Brandguard fire and ember resistant vents are installed the same way as traditional vents with the same footprint. While we gladly offer installation services, you can also buy our products and install them yourself. We offer several different types of installation flanges for both retrofit applications and new construction.

You can install these vents like any other similar product on the market.

Check out this video to learn how to install Brandguard’s Undereave Round vents.

1. Measure and order vents.

Before cutting the existing vent, measure the dimensions (diameter of the opening) of the existing holes. We offer three standard sizes: 1 1/2-inch, 2-inch, and 3-inch diameter.

2. Prime and paint the front faceplate side of the vent, as well as screws.

  • Wipe the vents with a cloth and vinegar rub
  • Spray with a metal primer
  • Spray with an exterior paint of your choice and set aside to completely dry in the sun

3. Apply caulking behind and around the flange of the Brandguard Vent.

Use approved Exterior approved clear sealant with a minimum 20-year warranty.

4. Insert Brandguard Vent into the existing opening using woodblock and hammer.

This should be done from the outside of the home.

For 1 1/2- inch, 2-inch, and 3-inch diameters, the vent should be placed inside the hole with the front inside baffle “opening” at the top.

There is a “t” on the back of the vent. This “t” represents the top of the vent and should be inserted as such.

5. Pre-drill the holes into undereave wood through both pre-drilled vent holes.

Make sure to pre-drill the holes to be longer than the screw to avoid splitting or cracking wood.

Brandguard undereave and soffit vents are ASTM E2886 Listed with the State of California State Fire Marshal’s Building Material Listing. 

You can install one or more of our foundation and crawl space vents like any other similar product.

Check out this video to learn how to install Brandguard’s Foundation vents.

1. Measure and order vents.

Before cutting the existing vent, measure the “opening” dimensions (W x H). WARNING: Be sure to look and make sure you have 1 1/2 inches of depth available inside the opening. Sometimes there are studs in the way. If so, you can special order our vents with a smaller depth to fit.

2. Prime and paint the baffle side of the vent.

  • Wipe the vents with a cloth and vinegar rub
  • Spray with a metal primer
  • Spray with an exterior paint of your choice and set aside to completely dry in the sun

3. Cut the opening area (W x H) into plywood or siding material for vent installation.

If you have an existing vent, you should only need to cut out the inside of the existing vent. If it’s screwed on, then use a drill gun to remove the old vent.

4. Apply caulking behind and around the back of the flange of the fire- and ember-resistant Brandguard Vent.

Use approved exterior clear/paintable sealant with a minimum 20-year warranty.

5. Install Brandguard Vent with vertical baffles facing outside and mesh facing back into the existing opening.

The baffles will be installed horizontally. Use the level to make sure it’s installed straight.

6. Secure with #8 x 2 1/2-inch Hex Head galvanized metal Self-Drilling screws.

You will need concrete screws if installing into concrete. Use in all four corners and about every 4 inches apart from there.

This must be done to complete proper installation.

7. Apply a final bead of clear caulking around the outer edge of the fire- and ember-resistant Brandguard Vent to seal the space between the vent and the siding.

Use your finger to smooth out the approved exterior clear/paintable sealant with a minimum 20-year warranty.

Brandguard Foundation and Crawlspace Vents are ASTM E2886 Listed with the State of California State Fire Marshal’s Building Material Listing.


Retrofit dormer faces are installed on existing dormers without disturbing roof tiles.

Check out this video to learn how to install Brandguard’s Dormer vents.

If you cannot install from the rooftop or have a different type of roof vent, you can retrofit your vent using our sub flashing (sub base) products. The sub base product is installed from inside the attic underneath the opening of the existing vent. These are especially great for low-profile and turbine vents.

Tip: If your roof is a concrete or clay tile, please ask your tile manufacturer how to walk on your tile without causing cracks.

1. Measure and order vents

Before cutting your existing vent, measure to the outside dimensions (W x H).

2. Remove the horizontal louvers and mesh from the existing vent using tin snips and pliers.

Leave existing frame in place.

3. Insert Brandguard Vent into the existing opening.

This should be done from the outside of the home. The 3-inch flange should go on top of the existing vent — over the caulking.

4. Drill the nails into the top and sides of the Brandguard Vent through to the existing vent using #8 or #10 Hex Head 3/4-inch self-tapping screws.

Use every 4 inches across top and sides.

5. Caulk again behind the entire top half round flange of the Brandguard Vent to create an extra barrier against water/snow.

6. Prime and paint the vent to your desired color.

Wipe down the vent with a cloth and vinegar rub. Next, apply a metal spray primer. Finally, apply a similar color of exterior spray paint onto the front of the baffles to get into the hard-to-reach places. Then pain the rest with a brush or spray paint.

To install a full-size new unit, we recommend using a licensed roofer.

  1. Mark the vent position on your roof.
  2. Cut out the shape for the dormer vent.
  3. Fit the new vent.
  4. Add flashing.
  5. Add shingles.
  6. Paint to match the roof or other vents.

You can install one or more of our gable vents just like you would any other similar product.

Check out this video to learn how to install Brandguard’s Gable vents.

1. Measure and order vents.

Before cutting the existing vent, measure the “opening” dimensions (W x H).

2. Prime and paint the baffle side of the vent.

  • Wipe the vents with a cloth and vinegar rub.
  • Spray with a metal primer.
  • Spray with an exterior paint of your choice and set aside to completely dry in the sun.

3. Cut the opening area (W x H) into plywood or siding material for vent installation.

If you have an existing vent, you should only need to cut out the existing horizontal slats using tin snips and pliers.

4. Apply caulking behind and around the back of the flange of the fire- and ember-resistant Brandguard Vent.

Use approved exterior clear/paintable sealant with a minimum 20-year warranty.

5. Install Brandguard Vent with vertical baffles facing outside and mesh facing back into the existing opening.

Make sure the slope is at the bottom of the vent. Use the level to ensure a level installation.

6. Secure with #8 x 2 1/2-inch Hex Head galvanized metal self-drilling screws.

Use in all four corners and about every 4 inches apart from there.

This must be done to complete proper installation.

7. Apply a final bead of clear caulking around the outer edge of the vent to seal the space between it and the siding.

Use your finger to smooth it out.

Use approved exterior clear/paintable sealant with a minimum 20-year warranty.


Brandguard gable end Vents are ASTM E2886 Listed with the State of California State Fire Marshal’s Building Material Listing.


Still have questions about any of our vent products or how to install them? Would you like an estimate from one of our preferred installers? We’re committed to providing you with outstanding customer service.


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