At Brandguard Vents, we manufacture all of our ember-resistant and fire-rated vents to the highest quality standards, using durable materials such as Grade 90 galvanized steel, optional stainless steel, Zinc-Aluminum alloy coated steel, and Copper.  Our Fire-rated ember defense vents can be custom-painted by the installer to match the color of your home and are available with various installation flange options to suit your needs. Each high-quality Fire-rated product goes way beyond what simple fine mesh screening can do and is designed to provide superior protection against wildfire embers, flames, and radiant heat ensuring your home remains safe and secure.

The intumescent self-expanding strips inside of our vents are an award-winning technology trusted by even the military. Manufactured by our parent company, Tenmat, Inc., it is one of the leading fire protection products globally. When exposed to heat, they expand and completely seal off the openings of the vent stopping fire, embers, and heat from entering the home. In a disaster, when every second counts, no other intumescent material or paint responds quicker.

Most importantly, our materials, including the Intumescent, are weather-tested for at least 60 years.  THIS IS VITAL!  It means It can withstand rain, snow, cold and freezing temperatures, humidity, and other elements and still activate in the same way if fire approaches! It’s not enough to say you are tested in a lab. Your vent should also be weather-tested. We are so confident in the quality of our materials; that we offer a FULL warranty on all of our products. This means the replacement value will not depreciate over time like other warranties.  Brandguard uses only the the highest quality 316 Grade for all of our stainless-steel fire-rated vents and gutter guard micromesh that we sell. They do not need top be painted.

which material is right for you?


Galvanization is the process of coating steel in zinc. It’s a popular material for everything from car bodies to appliances and nuts and bolts. Galvanized steel vents provide considerable benefits, including durability, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. Galvanized steel resists rusting and, like other steels, is fully recyclable.  Brandguard Vents uses 26 Gauge Grade 90 Steel for superior durability.


Stainless steel has substantial advantages in structural use where fire risk is considered. It has the highest fire rating of all metals. Durable, corrosion-resistant, and cost-effective, stainless steel is an excellent choice for fire safety and prevention when it comes to construction materials, especially closer to the ocean where salty air is a concern.  Brandguard uses 316 grade stainless steel which offers superior corrosion resistance for harsher environments versus 304.


Copper vents are durable and require little to no maintenance. They naturally produce patina over time, do not rust or deteriorate, and enhance the distinct look of a home’s architecture. A sustainable material, copper is considered a hallmark of green building practices. Brandguard Vents uses Copper for strength and durability.  Learn more about Brandguard Vents’ copper vent options below.