States such as California, Colorado and Texas have a high concentration of at-risk homes and significant reconstruction cost value. Comprehending the complete risk environment is essential to evaluate and handle wildfire risks efficiently. The California Department of Insurance (CDI) is setting a new standard in the nation with the implementation of a new regulation, Section 2644.9, focused on wildfire mitigation. Effective since April 2023, this new legislation is already reshaping the insurance industry’s approach to wildfire risk in the state. Under this regulation, carriers are now required to integrate twelve mitigation factors into their rating plan, assess the impact of these mandatory variables on their rates, develop a CDI-compliant rate plan, and communicate these changes to policyholders. FIRE RATED VENTS are one of the main Structure level Mitigation Factors. Contact Brandguard today for a FREE assessment to retrofit your current vents with ember/fire stopping Brandguard products.
Learn More About the 2025 Building Code
Building codes evolve continually to enhance safety, efficiency, and resilience. Previous changes upgraded fire-resistance ratings