Fire Rated Balcony Vents

Brandguard Balcony Vent is the only removable vent on the market that passed the 1hr fire test ASTM E119, as well as complying with the  WUI code (fire/ember stopping). Removable Balcony Vents

Say hello to our new look

We hope you like our new logo which represents the continuity of the great BrandGuard line of ember/fire stopping attic/roof vents, now part of the Tenmat family, symbolized by the  distinctive hexagon.   Now, more than ever, we’re committed in providing innovative solutions in wildfire risk management 

Shout-out to

Have y'all seen the new balcony inspection vents by @BGFireVents ? We got a sample and just unboxed it for a first look. Check it out. First impression appears to be well made and is certainly going to be helpful for doing inspections in inaccessible areas. — The Experts on Waterproof Decking (@deck_expert) […]

Insurance Discount

Brandguard Vents is proud to be recognized by major insurance companies. Call your agent today and ask if your insurance offers a discount on your homeowners policy if you install fire-rated Vents. Watch the “Wildfire Readiness Ember Resistant Venting” video posted by AIG insurance for more information.